Yard Tuesdays: No sale today by Patrick Monnier

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People, friends, often ask me: 
"Why photograph strangers, why travel thousands of miles to go and get intimate with complete strangers... take their pictures and walk away? Why?"

It's a very good and deeply introspective question, in my opinion. It's a good question because I do spend a lot of effort (and money) getting to these places and getting these shots. It's introspective because there has to be a reason for me doing this, a reason that says something about me, who I am, what I value in life.

Life is hard, life can be really hard, but it is all relative. Hold on, let me expand as I am not saying I feel better personally seeing people struggle more than me. Everyone has had difficult times in life. Everyone I have met, interact with, and value in my life has had life struggles.

As a documentary photographer, life struggle is an aspect I particularly like to capture. I feel the pain of my subjects, I feel connected to them (although again, I certainly realize I am much more lucky than most of them), I feel a deep sense of empathy, and that is why I do what I do.

Here is an example: I happened on this gentleman at the end of a day near where I was staying in Mexico City. This is one of my favorite pictures but haven't posted it as I think it is an image that needs an emotional explanation. I did not talk to the man so my interpretation is completely my own.

I think the man has sold no balloon that day. I think that he is exhausted and is facing having to go home. I think the man is apprehensive about talking to his wife and his kids telling them: "Today didn't work out but tomorrow, I have a feeling will be a good day!" And that's why I respect and admire many of my subjects: They often have great courage and that is inspiring to me!!! That's why I don what I do.

750 1707 by PatrickMonnier


No sale today

People, friends, often ask me: 
"Why photograph strangers, why travel thousands of miles to go and get intimate with complete strangers... take their pictures and walk away? Why?"

It's a very good and deeply introspective question, in my opinion. It's a good question because I do spend a lot of effort (and money) getting to these places and getting these shots. It's introspective because there has to be a reason for me doing this, a reason that says something about me, who I am, what I value in life.

Life is hard, life can be really hard, but it is all relative. I am not saying I feel better personally seeing people struggle more than me. Everyone has had difficult times in life. Everyone I have met, interacted with, and value in my life has had life struggles.

As a documentary photographer, life struggle is an aspect I particularly li

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